Tips to Improve the slow performance of QC/ client load faster

Here is some good tips found in KM862096/KM450424, hope this will help you...
Steps need to be taken to improve the slow performance of Quality Center:
1. Compression
The Client Server compression mechanism that was originally developed for QC10.0 and QC 9.2 is applied. If working in a LAN environment, these improvements will probably not have a major effect. That said, improved performance will still be observed.

2. Using QCExplorer and a desktop installation
If QCExplorer is installed, then it will skip the file download phase and will improve login times.

3. Avoiding the use of a blank filter upon login to the Defects module
When the user enters the defects module, the system runs the last filter to retrieve the list of defects. If there is an empty filter, the returned list of defects can be very large. That is, the users should not logout with an empty filter. In these cases, a simple filter of "assigned to = " may improve login times.

4. Using the same machines for subsequent logins
Since QC client uses a local cache for all kinds of settings, subsequent log-ins from the same machine should be a lot faster than the first login from that machine.

5. Leaving QC Open
If QC is left running, the slow login is possibly avoided.

Login performance is slow with Quality Center client startup

Network latency in the system environment
QC files are being checked by anti-virus software during cold startup of Internet Explorer
Version and signature checks are being performed on all QC files

Tips to make Quality Center client load faster:
Reduce network latency to less than 200 ms
Do not close IE window after logging out from QC
Put QC files in the exception list of the antivirus software
For example: Put all the files in the following folder and sub folders in the exception list of the antivirus software: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Mercury Interactive\Quality Center.

NOTE: QC must be at patch 10 or above to see the loading progress.

9.0 Importing and Exporting Components

The Import and Export module primarily works in the background any time you transfer components between the SAP TAO Client and HP Quality Server. The user interface is useful for manual maintenance activities. You may want to transfer components to:
  • Back up components on the HP Quality Server or on a hard drive.
  • Transport components from one HP Quality Server project to another, or from one server to another
  • Download components from HP Quality Center.
There is no limit to the number of components you can import or export.

Exporting Test Components

When you export a component from SAP TAO to the HP Quality Center, the component gets stored in the file that you designated in Connections.
To export components from the SAP TAO Client
1. In the SAP TAO navigation bar, click Import/Export.
2. Navigate to the directory in the SAP TAO directory.
3. Select the checkbox next to the transactions that you want to export to HP Quality Center.
4. Click Export to QC. The status bar indicates the export’s progress.
5. Check the designated folder on the HP Quality Center to make sure the Export succeeded.

Importing Test Components
When you import a component from the HP Quality Center, you can store the component in any location for
which you have permission.
To import components from the HP Quality Center
1. In the SAP TAO navigation bar, click Import/Export.
2. Navigate to the directory you want to import from on the HP Quality Center.
3. Click the box next to each of the components you want to transfer.
4. Click Import From QC.
5. A Browse For Folder popup opens. Browse to the folder where you want to store the components.
6. If you need to make a new folder:
a. In the Browse Window, browse to the folder or directory where you want to make a new folder.
b. Click Make New Folder. A new unnamed folder appears in the directory.
c. Enter a name for the new folder
7. Click OK.
8. Make sure that the new folder exists and that it contains the exported components.

8.0 Consolidating Test Scripts

Consolidating creates one component from the elements in your test script. The new component contains all the code and screen elements from the test script.

Consolidating Test Plans

When you save a test script in the HP Quality Center, the components are saved in a designated folder in the SAP TAO system.
To consolidate in the SAP TAO Client
1. Make sure to save the test script in the HP Quality Center.
2. Open the SAP TAO Client and click Consolidate.
3. Choose the Select a Test Plan tab.
4. Navigate to the folder where you saved your test script.
5. Select the test script you want to consolidate and click Consolidate.
6. A message at the bottom of the screen details the Consolidation progress.

Consolidating Selected Components

Use this screen when you update a component and need to propagate the update to multiple business processes.
To consolidate selected components:
1. On the Consolidate page, click the Select by Component tab.
2. In the tree view, navigate to the test component you want to consolidate.
3. Click the test component. The Business Processes that use this component appear in a table below the test component.
4. Select the business processes you want to update with the new information. Deselect a business process if you do not want to reconsolidate it.
5. Click Consolidate.

7.0 Building Test Scripts

Building your SAP application test scripts requires the HP Quality Center, a robust application that provides many test management functions.

SAP TAO components should not contain flow logic or operations that span multiple SAP screens or views. An ideal component contains a small number of operations and can function independently. An example of a SAP TAO component is entering an activity. The component definition only contains the steps required to complete the form or applet. It does not include application logic, such as clicking on the New or OK button. You can add these buttons as separate components during the script building process.

Some operations are always performed together; therefore it is makes sense to group these together in a
component. For example, whenever a user clicks a Query button, the next step requires the user to perform the
query, followed by clicking GO.

HP Quality Center buttons and actions that you use to build test scripts. Use the Test
Plan section in Business Components to build a test script. Refer to the HP Quality Center documentation for
information about other functionality.

To log on to HP Quality Center
1. On the upper right corner of the SAP TAO Client, click the HP Quality Center link to open the HP Quality Center Home Page.
2. Click HP Quality Center on the Quality Server Home Page.
3. On HP Quality Center Home Page, enter your user ID and password.
4. Click Authenticate. If you checked “Automatically log in to my last domain and project on this machine,” HP Quality Center automatically completes the fields with your domain and project and logs you in.

Building a Test Script

Use the Test Plan module in HP Quality Center to build a test script.

To build a test script
1. Navigate from Business Components to Test Plan in HP Quality Center.
2. Click Test Plan.
3. To create a new folder:

a. Click Tests.
b. Select New Folder.
c. Enter a name for the folder.
d. Click OK.

4. To create a new test:
a. Select the folder where you want to save the test.
b. Select New Test. A pop-up dialog box opens.
c. Select Business Process from the pull-down test type.
d. Enter a name for the Test.
e. Click OK. The Details tab displays your name, the test name, the creation date, and the status.

5. Click the Test Script tab to build your script. A components tree opens in the right column. Navigate to the location on the components tree where your transactions are stored.
6. Navigate to the Actions folder: Business Components/Components/SAP R3/Common Functions/Actions

a. Open the Actions folder and navigate to Initialize Script.
b. Make the first component in the test plan Initialize Script if you plan to parameterize the values in this script.
c. Initialize Script adds a link in the test script title to the Excel spreadsheet. See the next section,Parameterizing the Elements in the Test Script, for more information.

7. Use drag and drop commands, buttons, and transactions as needed to create the test.
8. Save the disk. Use the small disk icon. After you build the script, verify that you have added all the necessary elements in a logical order. Once you have verified the elements, you may parameterize elements or proceed to the next chapter to consolidate the test script.

Parameterizing the Elements in the Test Script

Parametrization allows a business component to receive data from an external source, or to return data for use in other components. You can store the parameterized elements in an Excel spreadsheet or in the HP Quality Center custom database.

SAP TAO provides an Excel spreadsheet to store parameters. The Initialization Script that you create in the HP Quality Server Test Plan specifies the name of the associated spreadsheet.

All parameters that you intend to store in the Excel spreadsheet must use the DT_ prefix. The DT_prefix parameters are useful for storing and creating variables that change from execution to execution. For example, a payroll application may include a current date that changes from week to week. By storing the parameter in an Excel spreadsheet, you can create a function to update it. SAP TAO reads the new value from the spreadsheet each time you re-execute this script.

If you parameterize a value, but do not include the DT_ prefix, the value becomes static or hard-coded. Designate a value as hard-coded when it stays the same from one execution to the next. When you hard code a value into a parameter, the HP Quality Server inserts this exact value each time it encounters this parameter in a test script.

To create a SAP TAO parameter entry
1. Open the test script that you want to parameterize.
2. Click the data value that you want to parameterize. The Components Iteration window opens.
3. Enter the value and include the DT_ prefix to the data value name.
4. Specify whether this value is output for use in another component, or whether you want to save it for reuse.
5. (Optional) You may enter an description for this value.
6. Click OK.
Follow these six steps to parameterize as many values as required.

To create a hard-coded parameter entry
1. Open the test script.
2. Click the data value that you want to parameterize. The Components Iteration window opens.
3. Enter the value.
4. Specify if this value is output for use in another component or whether you want to save it.
5. (Optional) You may enter an description for this value.
6. Click OK.

6.0 Inspect

Inspect is the most powerful feature in SAP TAO. Use Inspection to:

  • Select transactions from a list of current transactions
    Add new transactions to the current transaction list
    Send the transactions to HP Quality Server and/or a designated directory

When planning a business process test, consider that SAP TAO can generate one business process test at a time. If a business process loops, has inputs or branching logic, or deviates from the logic of the first iteration, split the process into multiple tests. Ultimately, each business process translates into one test script.
When you specify a business process, specify as much static data as possible within the business process definition.
You can always define dynamic or consumable data in a separate process.

Using Inspect to Select Transactions:

Open the Inspect screen from the SAP TAO navigation bar. Use the Inspect screen to import transactions for your
business process test. The Transaction List is unpopulated when you first install SAP TAO. Use the Add to List and
Remove from List buttons to populate and modify the list as needed.

Add a Transaction:

SAP TAO allows you to add one transaction code at a time.
To add a transaction code
1. Click Add. The Add Transaction pop-up window opens.
2. Enter a transaction code.
3. Enter a description for this code in the Description field. (Optional)
4. Select an Importance level from the pull-down list (Business Critical, Warning, Information, Ignore).
5. Click Add. The Transaction Code appears in the Transaction List.
6. Repeat these steps for each transaction code you want to add.

Remove a Transaction

SAP TAO permits you to remove one transaction at a time.
To remove a transaction
1. Select the transaction code you want to delete.
2. Click the left column. The Remove icon (an X inside a circle) appears.
3. A confirmation dialog appears to remove the specific transaction code.
4. Click Yes. The transaction code is removed from the list.

Inspect Components

The Inspect screen displays a group of transactions and associated screens. You may select one or more SAP
transaction code combinations as required by your business processes. Inspection determines if the transactions are valid, and sends them to HP Quality Center. A valid transaction contains screen objects that connect to metadata, or data stored in tables.

To inspect
1. To select one or more screens associated with a transaction code, select the Transaction Code in the Transaction List. The screen associated with this transaction code opens in the Transaction List.
2. To select all the screens, click the Check All link at the bottom of the screen.
3. To choose specific screens, select the checkbox beside each screen.
4. Repeat steps 1–3 to add additional transactions.
5. To view a list of the transaction codes and screens you have selected, click the View All link in the Run Inspection box. You can print out this list.
6. To remove a screen, go back and select each transaction code that you want to change and deselect the box.
7. Click Inspect. Scroll to the right in the Results Window and review the three columns: Inspection Result, CompCreator Result (the directory you specified to save Inspection results), and the Upgrade Result. All three columns must contain an “OK” for the screen to successfully upload to HP Quality Center.
8. If one or more screens fail Inspection, reinspect any screens that failed. If these screens continue to fail:

a. Use the UI Scanner to capture the screen.
b. Send the screen to HP Quality Center.

Using the UI Scanner

The UI Scanner is an add-on for HP Quality Test Professional (HP QTP). It scans most of the data in the screen and
is less restrictive than Inspection.
To run UI Scanner
1. Minimize all the windows on your computer except the screen that you want to scan and HP QTP.
2. Open the file that contains the UI Scanner Code, which you saved during installation.
3. Click Run. The UI Scanner complete its scan.
4. A “Done” message appears.
5. The UI Scanner stores the component in the HP Quality Center in the Transactions area. To locate transactions: Business Components>Components>SAP R3>Transactions.
6. Open the newly scanned transaction code in HP Quality Center and add it to an existing or a new script.

5.1 Consolidation - cont....

  • Overview
    Use the Configuration screen to select settings for the following SAP TAO Client functions. To access this screen, click the Configuration link on the upper right corner of the SAP TAO interface. The tabs in the Configuration screen are:
  • Inspect
  • Import and Export
  • Consolidate
  • Log
  • License
  • Expert Settings
Inspect Configuration
The following buttons designate what action the SAP TAO Client takes when you select transactions:

  • Generate Components to Local Path saves components in a specified directory. Use the Component Location to specify the directory.
  • Upload Components to QC moves the components to HP Quality Center Server. If you select Generate Components and this setting, the components go to both HP Quality Center and the specified local directory.
  • Component Location is the path to the local directory where you want to store saved components.

Import/Export Configuration
Use the Import/Export settings to designate a path for export components to HP Quality Center and import components to the SAP TAO Client

Export Components to QC

  • Local Components Path is the path where SAPTAO stores locally created components in a specified directory. You can upload the components to QC at a later time. The path is specified in the Inspect module.
  • Overwrite Components

* If you click the Overwrite Components checkbox, SAPTAO exports the component to QC and overwrites the previous entry. (Default)
* If you do not click the Overwrite Components checkbox, SAPTAO exports the component to QC and uses the delimiter to create a unique ID.

Import Components from QC:
Use the Path to Export Components to specify the local drive path for importing components from QC.

Consolidate Configuration
Consolidated Test Component Location:

  • Create in QC Folder –The location in the QC business component folder structure where new components are stored.
  • Overwrite Consolidated Components in QC–

* If you click the Overwrite Components checkbox, SAPTAO exports the component to QC and overwrites the previous entry. (Default)
* If you do not click the Overwrite Components checkbox, SAPTAO exports the component to QC and uses the delimiter to create a unique ID.

Data Table Settings

  • Update the data table file – When you select this checkbox, SAPTAO automatically updated the data table that is associated with the business process.
  • \Data Table Prefix – Prefix all data table entries with the value that is specified in this field. The default data table prefix is: DT_.

Additional Settings

  • Add the component name in consolidated script – SAP TAO appends the component name to each consolidated test script (Default). Deselect this checkbox if you do not want to append the component name to each test script.
  • Prompt for confirmation before consolidating – SAP TAO displays a prompt to consolidate before each it consolidates components. (Default).

Log Options

Use the Log Options tab to set log file detail levels and to specify a directory to save files. The log levels are:

  • 0 = None
  • 1 = Warning
  • 2 = Message and Stack
  • 3 = Debug

To specify a log trace levels

1. Specify a trace level for each log. The default setting is 1 or Warning.

a. Internal Trace Level
b. TAO Trace Level
c. SAP RFC Trace Leve

2. In the Log Location field, specify the path to the directory where you want to save log file.

Expert Configuration

1. In the Windows Temp text box, you may enter an alternate path to the Windows temp directory. The default is: Windows_system_root\temp.

2. In the SAP Login.ini text box, you may enter an alternate path to the SAP Login.ini file.