8.0 Consolidating Test Scripts

Consolidating creates one component from the elements in your test script. The new component contains all the code and screen elements from the test script.

Consolidating Test Plans

When you save a test script in the HP Quality Center, the components are saved in a designated folder in the SAP TAO system.
To consolidate in the SAP TAO Client
1. Make sure to save the test script in the HP Quality Center.
2. Open the SAP TAO Client and click Consolidate.
3. Choose the Select a Test Plan tab.
4. Navigate to the folder where you saved your test script.
5. Select the test script you want to consolidate and click Consolidate.
6. A message at the bottom of the screen details the Consolidation progress.

Consolidating Selected Components

Use this screen when you update a component and need to propagate the update to multiple business processes.
To consolidate selected components:
1. On the Consolidate page, click the Select by Component tab.
2. In the tree view, navigate to the test component you want to consolidate.
3. Click the test component. The Business Processes that use this component appear in a table below the test component.
4. Select the business processes you want to update with the new information. Deselect a business process if you do not want to reconsolidate it.
5. Click Consolidate.

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